All your worries will disappear in the steam
Steam therapy has a long tradition based on oriental customs. Turkish sultans, aristocrats and ordinary citizens have enjoyed the beneficial effects of humidity many centuries ago.
It works both from the outside, through the entire surface of your body, but also from the inside through the air passages which effectively helps to remove toxins and dust from our lungs and the whole respiratory system.
There are no limits while building private steam spas. Choose the shape, color or size yourself! First, we bring your fantasy using 3D visualisation software to the elektronic image and then realize it with our advanced cutting machines.
Fell in love with a ceramic mosaic in your favourite wellness center or last vacation in oriental style? Make yourself happy and consider a private version of it..
If you are a modern fan, you will love these aesthetically perfect steam baths. For its low weight, suitable for installation to the upper floors.